
How To Clean Toilet Water Stained Subfloor


Susan asked: Is there any style to clean particle board flooring in one case the carpet is pulled up? We accept three dogs inside the house. We are getting ready to install new carpet as we are selling our house. Our realtor is worried near the dog smell and would like united states to clean the particle board before the new carpet is installed. I know yous should not become particle lath wet, and I am at a loss every bit to how to make clean it. Thank you!

Subflooring can collect odors almost as much every bit the rug that is laid over it. Over time these odors can build upwardly and linger even later on the carpet has been changed. With particle board, the key is to work in small areas and work chop-chop and so that as little moisture every bit possible enters the forest. By doing so, y'all tin avoid warping and/or swelling at the joints. Follow the guidelines beneath to make clean the subfloor and remove the odor for practiced.

You Will Demand:

  • Vinegar or bleach
  • Water
  • Bucket
  • Strong broom
  • Vacuum
  • Kilz or Zap oil based paints (optional)
  • Paint roller or sprayer (optional)

Steps to Clean the Subflooring:

  1. Start by thoroughly vacuuming or sweeping the particle board to remove any loose dust and dirt.
  2. Next, combine either i part vinegar with one part water or i part bleach with iii parts water in the bucket. Either of these solutions will eliminate the smell and the bleach will also disinfect.
  3. Next you will begin washing the flooring. To avoid getting too much moisture on the wood it is necessary to work in pocket-sized areas and utilise the smallest amount of water possible.
  4. Dip but the tips of a strong broom in the water and brush it along the floor.
  5. When you finish with a modest area, dry up any remaining wet with a dry out mop or quondam towels. Remove the moisture as quickly as possible to avoid any damage to the woods.
  6. Move onto the next section and repeat washing and drying.
  7. When the entire floor is clean, let it to dry completely.
  8. Equally an optional stride, you can apply a sealer to keep whatever smells that may accept non been removed from returning.
  9. Employ the oil based pigment following the manufacturer's instructions.
  10. Allow the paint to dry out completely before installing new carpet.

Boosted Tips and Ideas

  • If the subflooring has a really strong odor, it may exist necessary to remove it and lay new subflooring prior to installing the new rug. Before doing that though, effort sealing information technology to lock the odors in.
  • If installing ceramic or natural stone flooring, do non seal the subflooring with paint prior to installation. But let the flooring to dry thoroughly.

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